Take a look:
I took advantage of Chick Fever to create a resource to use in math. Great Chirping Chickens focuses on CCSS NBT standards -- numbers to 1000, and comparing numbers. These will go into action tomorrow. I also wrapped up a skip counting kit that focuses on NBT skip counting to 1000 by 5's, 10's and 100's. You can take a look at them here:
Finally, we've begun our study of maps. I love/hate teaching map skills. I love it because children are so into maps. I hate it because it seems there are never enough grade-appropriate resources to teach skills like scale and grid coordinates. So, as I have said many times recently, necessity is the mother of invention! I put together a set of map materials to use to teach map skills this week and next. I am looking forward to using this one! More on this one later!
It's bedtime! Have a great Thursday. I like to think of Thursday as the new Friday. :)