Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sloooooow Down!

Last year, I said I had never worked harder. Enter this year. I am not complaining. I love my job and the hectic pace that it is. However, I am constantly amazed by how much more we teachers put on our plates each year. Would you agree that a large portion of what is on our plates is placed there by us? Sure, administration puts some of it there: RTI, observations, policy and procedures, but I am guilty of trying to add one more cute, yet meaningful, activity to my teacher toolbox. 

Here's my list of new things that I am adding to my plate:
  1. Movies for students by students -- The same policies that allow and encourage me to use technology are hindering my ability to share it. Still, I am actively seeking a solution. More on that later...
  2. Reflection Journals -- These are still in idea form. I want my students to have a journal for reflecting on their learning experiences. I really should put this one at the top of the list.
  3. Reading Logs -- I had snazzy, complicated response journals, last year. We really didn't use all the bells and whistles. This one really should be at the top of the list. Really! Our routines are set. The kiddos are ready to handle an extra responsibility. No more single response pages. 
  4. TPT -- While it isn't related directly to my teaching, I am trying to be smart about items that I create. If I am going to put it on TPT, I want it to be useful in my classroom first. You know, kid tested and teacher approved!
  5. Building stronger relationships with my colleagues -- I adore my colleagues, but I feel like we're ships passing in the hallways. Time is the enemy. I am really trying to listen with my eyes and ears; to hear what my colleagues are saying, and what they aren't saying. We are a school family, and I want to be a positive light in their day. 
  6. Blog - I like this blogging thing, but it does take time to think about what I want to say; what my message is. It's not for marketing. It's for giving anyone who happens to stumble upon my blog a peek into the life of one second grade teacher. Is anyone out there???
  7. Permission to fail in my quest for perfection. It doesn't exist. Yet, I search and strive.
We enjoyed our first field trip today. It was terrific! This location, Travellers Rest, is my favorite field trip -- ever! We learned all about trades and skills from the 19th century. It was exhausting, but buckets of fun.

Until next time...


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Ciclo de Vida

Let me be the first to say that my knowledge of Spanish is scant. Learning to speak it is near the top of my bucket list. Yet, I kept thinking about how to open this post and the crazy-hectic pace that school is right now came to mind. La Vida Loca...Thanks, Ricky Martin. Great song. I'll wait while you go listen to it on YouTube. 

So, we are knee-deep in the processes of life -- butterflies, mosquitoes (yep, I brought some of those rascals from my patio watering can), fish, and soon-to-be... chicken and duck eggs! Several generous parents purchased an incubator and supplies for my classroom. We're waiting until the twenty-one day incubation period lands on the other side of our fall break to put in the eggs. We can't have chicks and ducklings hatching while I am lounging on the beach, can we? I think I am more impatient than the children. Soon, my chicks. Soon.

Our caterpillars are getting plump. I expect to see several J-shapes when we return to school tomorrow. The kiddos have had such an exciting time measuring them. And letting them crawl up their arms. I have a video that is hilarious, loud, and pure learning magic. Every child is engaged in measuring, comparing and observing. 

On another note... I had this brainstorm for a math game that incorporates expanded notation, building numbers with base ten blocks, and cups. Cup o' Numbers is what I call it. My second graders loved playing it, especially when I told them that I wanted them to help me work out any problems with the game. They didn't especially like the Splash! idea (giving your points to your partner) until they realized that it can be to their benefit in some instances. 

Here's a preview of the game. I think it has a kind of 50's kitschy feel to it.

Credits and Google Drive files coming as soon as I insert credits to the graphic artists. For now... wrapping up lesson plans!

Happy teaching!


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Robert Burns was right: The best-laid schemes o' mice an 'men Gang aft agley. Translation: The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. I would like to add that the best laid (detailed) plans of teachers and mice (?) often go awry.

I am guilty. Guilty of over-planning this week. I was a frazzled, near meltdown mess this morning. I had so many things going on, that I should have been wearing a ringmaster's garb. I forgot that children can't really be rushed. I put my need to cover every wonderful thing on my plans over their need to experience it. Lesson relearned.  

The best part of the day was when we revised a classroom preamble that I had from last year.This was after I read We the Kids by Brian Catrow. 

It's a  lovely book. If you read it, don't skip the forward. He describes his thinking and motivation for creating the book.  I was amazed with the thoughtful ideas my kiddos shared! They took the process very seriously, and the finished product is wonderful. 

Signing it with a turkey feather quill pen was the highlight! 

I hope your day was terrific!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Blog Inauguration!

My bloguration? Well, anyway, this is my first post on the new blog. (The first one I didn't delete.) 

So... I'm now blogging, again. I had a blog a few years ago, but I was so shy about anyone seeing it that I kept it private. That one was about my quest to run a mile without dying. Did it. :) 
This time, I am throwing off the covers, so to speak, and revealing all the wonderful things I am honored to experience with 20 second graders each day. 

What's New...

I've recently joined the teacher marketplace. Again. I had a website for several years, but I lost interest in creating new material for it. I got lazy and let it lapse. Teachers Pay Teachers seems pretty simple, if you disregard the highly competitive marketing of teachers by teachers. No complaints on that issue.It is definitely a buyer's market. If it's not cute, eye-catching, well-designed, and CCSS-aligned, it probably isn't going to sell well.

Those who are successful in keeping students, parents, and administrators happy know that marketing the fun, wonderful, deeply-challenging activities that take place in classrooms on a daily basis is a must. It is a professional responsibility, in my opinion, albeit an unspoken one. It's not bragging; it's essential! So, let the TPT marketing begin!